Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Labor Day, Lazy Day

     This labor day seemed much like any other, everyone off from work, excited to relax, and hopefully eat some delicious, and fattening, food. It was hot like any other, on a Monday as usual, and brought friends and family around like usual. However, this one felt different. Conor and I are on our own and in our own apartment. It was our holiday to do whatever and with whoever (within reason of course, we couldn't forget about baby). I wanted to put effort into the day, I wanted to make one of those memories you keep for a while. 
     Lucky for us, my mom had spent the night on our couch. First off, no I didn't plan on making my mother sleep on a couch, she just happened to fall asleep there. Second, this is lucky because we had a babysitter this morning. I woke up around 8:30AM to Conor asking me repeatedly if I still wanted to go play disc golf with a group of his work friends. This had sounded wonderful the night before, but that was before we decided to go on a movie date and go to bed at two in the morning. After whining for a good twenty minutes, I finally gave a sad nod that we should go, because we'd regret it in an hour if we didn't go.
     So, off we went for a solid three hour disc golf session. As usual, I wasn't very good and everyone else was basically training for the Olympics. Athletic activities and I do not generally go well together. Unfortunately, that's never stopped me from trying all of them. There's something exciting about being a part of any competitive and physical activity. So, there we were throwing round hard plastic discs through the air at metal chain baskets, while trampling through only God know what kind of plants and bugs to find the discs every so often. Half way in I can feel my new mom bod starting to give up and shut down, it was way too hot out there. I helped get a few points when our team was really close to the basket, but other than that I might as well have not been there
     Finally our early morning sports venture ended, and we grabbed a congratulatory soda on the way home (one of my many negative vices). Shortly after getting home, mom left and we had a few hours until others come to visit. We made a few sandwiches and settled in to play a little Minecraft. For those of you who do know know what Minecraft is, just ask your ten year old son, cousin, etc. It's a video game where you use blocks to build stuff, mine things like iron and make things out of it, or just kill a bunch of monsters. Yes, its lame and nerdy and right about now you're second guessing if you made a mistake of reading my blog. I can't help it, I like it. Before dating Conor I shunned video games, they're a waste of time, blah blah blah. But, over the years Conor has not only opened my eyes to new things, but showed me how to enjoy things without worrying about what others think. I'm not afraid to say I like this game, and that I find it a relaxing way to de-stress. 
     His sister was coming over next, with her roommate. About two hours before we finally got up and did some serious cleaning around the house. I'm happy to say that after living in our apartment for two months it's beginning to actually look like we live here. We're just missing a few pieces of furniture, but in time it will be perfect. Once they arrived, I began cooking. They were primarily there to see our little one, so it gave me a little while to finish up our dinner. I wasn't cooking for everyone, but I knew I needed to get it over with before I sat down and tried to enjoy company. My first attempt was a cheesecake. I'm the first to tell you that I do not bake. I cook all the time, and I'm not bad at it. When it comes to baking, it's a whole other story. I bought a boxed package of Cheesecake Factory cheesecake mix, hoping it would be as good as going there to eat. WRONG. I pulled it out of the oven when it said I should... the middle was runny. It doesn't matter how well I follow directions, sweets and I never get it right. I decided to let it sit for a while and cool off anyways. 
     In the meantime, Conor's friend and girlfriend came over for a visit. They hadn't seen our place yet so we gave the tour, etc. They brought some Shiner and our favorite sodas, and I've never been so happy by a surprise. It's hard to get a beer with a baby, I literally never leave the house anymore. After our friend announced that the cheesecake looked like a sponge, I decided to put it in the fridge for a while and instead work on the sweet potato fries, my specially as of late. I peeled 2 lbs of sweet potatoes, an left the cutting to Conor while I mixed some seasonings with olive oil in a mixing bowl. I tossed them and threw them on a pan, and shoved them in the oven, and sat down to chat.
     At this point, friends and family started trickling out, having their own things to do. I threw some steam-able bags of broccoli and corn in the microwave and laid the first steak in the skillet. I wish we had a barbecue pit, that would  be so much better when it came to steaks, etc. I sprinkled various seasonings on the meat, turning it a few times, and did the same for two others. Once it was all edible, I checked on the cheesecake. Nothing had changed, so we decided I should put it back into the oven... 

     I got our food onto plates, and made a little sauce platter. We are sauce people and we can't ever just have one. This platter was a bit sporadic because we had new fast food sauces to try out. We had: ketchup, chipotle aioli, the new sweet and spicy sriracha sauce from chick-fil-a, chick-fil-a sauce, and the new sriracha big mac sauce from McDonald's. All were good, leave a comment if you want to know my opinions on them. I brought our delicious meal into the living room for a low key minecraft dinner. There's nothing more romantic than that... Okay, just kidding, there are many other options for romance, but this was fitting for us on the last night of a three day weekend. (Not the best picture, I know, but I wanted to capture the mood).
     Yep. I pulled it out and it was not only spongy, but it was a bit burned and not fluffy like cheesecake is supposed to be... We tried it anyways, it wasn't great, but it was edible. I couldn't do it honestly, a few bites were enough for me, but Conor ate two pieces, so I guess it wasn't all for nothing; just embarrassing for all cheesecakes everywhere.
     So, things weren't perfect, and they weren't "fun" and loud like some labor days spent on the lake with a cookout, but it was perfect to me, and I wouldn't have changed a thing. Having my own kitchen to make mistakes in, and a little family to learn things from and to laugh with is something I didn't know I needed in my life. Looking back now I see the emptiness I felt, sure living for me is great and all, but having others who depend on you and support you is like a soft blanket wrapped tight around me. I had family and friends before, but to have your own little "family," it makes my heart so happy.
     That's all for now, thanks for reading!



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